The Charros de Jalisco emerge as the first 100% cashless® sports team

House of Vans es un espacio multidisciplinario donde se realizan eventos de arte, música y cultura urbana, el cual recibe 1,500 usuarios 3 veces a la semana.

Products Used

wristband_logo-removebg-preview (3)

cashless® NFC



Group 459




Onsite Promos

Open cashless®

Promo Balance



Increase on sales of

more than 200%

+ 2 years

with mycashless

The challenge

The organizers needed a payment system that would provide transparency and efficiency in daily operations throughout the stadium, capable of handling the high demand of fans and not dependent on the internet. Additionally, they aimed to reduce the levels of theft experienced during operations. The solution also needed to be user-friendly, catering to a wide range of age groups among attendees.

The solution

Various tools from mycashless were implemented to address the specific needs of the operation: Fastpass (a registration platform linked to the NFC chip) was used to generate on-site registrations with attractive incentives for users, as well as to generate user data for better understanding consumers and providing strategies for loyalty and marketing.

Similarly, NFC chips were utilized for all food and beverage purchase processes during the matches. Regarding the system’s adoption, simple communication tools were implemented for operators, highlighting the system’s advantages that also benefited them, such as increased tips due to faster service.

The Results

The stadium has exceptionally embraced the system, reaching 100% adoption, which has been reflected in their sales results. Sales have increased by 93% in the first year and 211% in the second. Moreover, in the two years of collaboration, more than 8,000 registered users have been generated, understanding their consumption profiles. This data serves as a foundation for new marketing strategies.

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