mycashless accelerates in the world's most important electric car race

It is the first championship of fully electric cars that promotes advanced electric mobility and visits Mexico City every year, ready to welcome over 40,000 attendees.

Products Used

wristband_logo-removebg-preview (3)

cashless® NFC




Promo Balance



+ 4 years

with mycashless

+ 35 %


The Challenge

The organizers needed a technological tool that aligned with their growth objectives. This tool also had to provide the best possible experience for motorsport fans and evolve with each edition. Consequently, the implementation of MyCashless’s Digital Wristband App became a challenge.

The Solution

Given the large-scale and short-duration nature of the event, MyCashless operators recognized the importance of involving the entire team with the same dynamic and commitment required by these formats: order and strategies to ensure successful gate opening and entry from the early hours of the day. Technological innovation also played a crucial role in adapting products to the client’s needs, using various MyCashless tools and app optimizations to enhance user experience and app practicality with event maps and usability improvements.

The Results

Customer satisfaction with system implementation is always one of our top priorities, and four years of experience support the growth we have achieved both individually and in collaboration with the organizers. Each year, we evolve to improve the service they provide to their users. Additionally, there has been a 35% increase in revenue since the first year and a 20% increase from the second year onward. In 2023, thanks to 100% adoption and positive results, operations were extended to the 2023 race cycle in São Paulo.

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